Seat Alhambra 2017 MQB KeylessGo key add with VVDI2

Xhorse VVDI2

Car model and year: Seat Alhambra MY2017 with NEC+ 24C64 MQB KeylessGo key

Purpose: add one more key

New blank key to use:
Xhorse Smart Proximity Key XSMQB1EN

VAG key programmer to use: VVDI2 VAG

I started by holding 1st key (original) to the coil on the right of the steering column cover until the dash prompted “1-2”, then I took the Xhorse key to the marking on the steering column cover until the dash prompted “2-2” and VVDI2 said All keys successfully learned. Unfortunately, the new key did neither start the vehicle (Kein Schlüssel gefunden/ No key found) or un-/locked the doors.

When I scanned both keys with vvdi2 I could see that the original one is was coded as SEAT TP22 and the one from Xhorse has no manufacturer config (see attached screenshots).
seat-alhambra-2017-original-keydata-comparision-00 seat-alhambra-2017-original-01


Possible reason and how to do:
You didn’t prepare the key properly, immo data is not enough to make mqb dealer key, you need sync data too.
You get sync data by putting the working key first in the programmer and then put the blank key and program it with immo+syncdata.